Waite's Weight

Team Brent & Andy

Team Reed

Team Lysa & Jen


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Wasting Time

Just thought I'd post to shake things up a bit. Anyone have any good healthy recipes for Easter?



  1. Healthy??? ARe you joking me??? (As my four year old niece would say). After all we ate at Tori's, I think I'm just gonna starve until weigh in. :0)

  2. Yeah, Tori makes good dip....You make good pasta salad and I make good lemon bars... a recipe for disaster.

  3. I've found a good one for salmon in parchment... Fish is a great Easter dish. It's on food network. The recipe is for a single serving but it's easily modified for more. And you don't have to use parchment paper... just a paper lunch sack will do. Here is the link: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/salmon-fillet-en-papillote-with-julienne-vegetable-recipe/index.html

    You can also search for similar recipes with different fish or ingredients.
